A4 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0031655 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0117 kg CO2 eq.C4 GWP Total - global warming potential7.02 kg CO2 eq.Dataset typeProductEpd Tot A1 To A3 GWP Total - global warming potential10.7575 kg CO2 eq.Reference unit typekg A5 Fossil - global warming potential0.004875 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 Fossil - global warming potential10.7575 kg CO2 eq.A5 LULUC - global warming potential1.59575E-6 kg CO2 eq.A5 GWP Total - global warming potential0.060125 kg CO2 eq.D GWP Total - global warming potential-3.705 kg CO2 eq.A4 LULUC - global warming potential0.00153725 kg CO2 eq.C4 Biogenic - global warming potential2.3335E-4 kg CO2 eq.C4 LULUC - global warming potential3.77E-5 kg CO2 eq.A4 Fossil - global warming potential0.226525 kg CO2 eq.C4 Fossil - global warming potential7.02 kg CO2 eq.SerienavnIsola Tyvek Soft Xtra