A1 GWP Total - global warming potential2.86926 kg CO2 eq.A5 GWP Total - global warming potential5.69415 kg CO2 eq.A1 LULUC - global warming potential0.708441 kg CO2 eq.A5 Fossil - global warming potential2.33682 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 GWP Total - global warming potential32.8338 kg CO2 eq.D LULUC - global warming potential0.00588642 kg CO2 eq.D GWP Total - global warming potential-30.3195 kg CO2 eq.A2 Fossil - global warming potential40.9683 kg CO2 eq.ModellSLETTEN SerienavnLette innerdører A4 Biogenic - global warming potential0.001365117 kg CO2 eq.C4 Fossil - global warming potential0.0119799 kg CO2 eq.A2 GWP Total - global warming potential2.86926 kg CO2 eq.C4 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0119799 kg CO2 eq.A3 LULUC - global warming potential0.446658 kg CO2 eq.A4 GWP Total - global warming potential2.46993 kg CO2 eq.C2 Biogenic - global warming potential3.65313E-4 kg CO2 eq.C3 GWP Total - global warming potential62.2659 kg CO2 eq.A5 Biogenic - global warming potential3.35733 kg CO2 eq.A1 Biogenic - global warming potential-38.8977 kg CO2 eq.C4 LULUC - global warming potential5.54625E-6 kg CO2 eq.Dataset typeProductEpd C2 LULUC - global warming potential3.49044E-4 kg CO2 eq.Reference unit typem2 A3 Fossil - global warming potential1.96707 kg CO2 eq.C3 Biogenic - global warming potential60.4911 kg CO2 eq.A3 GWP Total - global warming potential30.0237 kg CO2 eq.A5 LULUC - global warming potential4.92507E-5 kg CO2 eq.A2 Biogenic - global warming potential-38.8977 kg CO2 eq.C2 Fossil - global warming potential0.925854 kg CO2 eq.A4 LULUC - global warming potential7.61685E-4 kg CO2 eq.A4 Fossil - global warming potential2.46993 kg CO2 eq.C3 Fossil - global warming potential1.65648 kg CO2 eq.A3 Biogenic - global warming potential9.96846 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 Biogenic - global warming potential-28.8405 kg CO2 eq.A2 LULUC - global warming potential0.708441 kg CO2 eq.