B7 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.A4 Biogenic - global warming potential-0.00133056 kg CO2 eq.A5 GWP Total - global warming potential52.64 kg CO2 eq.A4 LULUC - global warming potential9.184E-4 kg CO2 eq.D LULUC - global warming potential-7.2576E-4 kg CO2 eq.B1 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 GWP Total - global warming potential43.232 kg CO2 eq.B5 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B6 Fossil - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C3 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C2 GWP Total - global warming potential0.107968 kg CO2 eq.C1 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B3 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C4 LULUC - global warming potential2.18848E-5 kg CO2 eq.C4 GWP Total - global warming potential0.036064 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 LULUC - global warming potential0.0219296 kg CO2 eq.B4 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B5 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C1 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C3 Fossil - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.A5 Biogenic - global warming potential0.49952 kg CO2 eq.B7 Fossil - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B1 Fossil - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B6 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B3 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C1 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C2 Biogenic - global warming potential-2.8224E-4 kg CO2 eq.B2 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0121184 kg CO2 eq.B7 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C4 Fossil - global warming potential0.036288 kg CO2 eq.B4 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B7 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B4 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C3 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.C4 Biogenic - global warming potential-0.001568 kg CO2 eq.C1 Fossil - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.A4 Fossil - global warming potential0.135744 kg CO2 eq.B6 GWP Total - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.Dataset typeProductEpd A5 LULUC - global warming potential1.07072E-6 kg CO2 eq.B2 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0059808 kg CO2 eq.C3 Biogenic - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.A4 GWP Total - global warming potential0.135296 kg CO2 eq.D Biogenic - global warming potential0.040544 kg CO2 eq.Reference unit typekg C2 Fossil - global warming potential0.10752 kg CO2 eq.A5 Fossil - global warming potential0.027552 kg CO2 eq.D Fossil - global warming potential-24.416 kg CO2 eq.B2 LULUC - global warming potential1.33728E-6 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 Fossil - global warming potential43.68 kg CO2 eq.Tot A1 To A3 Biogenic - global warming potential-0.51744 kg CO2 eq.D GWP Total - global warming potential-24.416 kg CO2 eq.B6 LULUC - global warming potential0.0 kg CO2 eq.B2 Fossil - global warming potential0.0061376 kg CO2 eq.